Saturday, November 29, 2008

Move over Greg Walker, Reese has a new man in town!!

Reese's favorite teddy bear is named Greg Walker. A big name for a teddy bear. There is a funny story behind the naming of the bear. Reese had a Teddy Bear Picnic at school which required her to bring the obvious, a teddy bear. Reese picked the biggest bear we had in the house. I asked her what his name was. I suggested silly names like: Bob, Fred, etc. Reese's response was, "his name is Greg Walker." There was no talking her out of this name and it's been Greg Walker ever since. Reese (and everyone else in the house) always uses his full name. Greg Walker is a real person. He was Jed's manager for the past 5 years. Greg retired last March but up until then the name was thrown around a lot. The best part of the story is Reese says things like, "Greg Walker is going to sleep with me tonight" or "Greg Walker is so cranky." I know it's wrong but it seriously cracks Jed and I up. Anyways, Reese always puts Greg Walker to bed somewhere close to her but when we got the Christmas stuff out, Greg Walker was relocated to the boys' room. Don't worry Greg Walker, I'm sure when Christmas is over, you'll be back in the #1 spot. Jed really wishes we had a picture of the real Greg Walker to post so you could all see how funny it is that a little girl has named a bear after him. We love that guy!

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